New Mexico Handicap Parking Placards

Check out the New Mexico Handicap Placard Information

New Mexico Handicap Parking Placards

How to Apply for a Handicap Parking Permit in New Mexico

If you are a disabled resident of New Mexico, you may be eligible to receive a handicap parking placard or license plate from the New Mexico Motor Vehicle Division. There are several types of permits available, including temporary and permanent placards, handicap license plates, and disabled veteran license plates. Out-of-state visitors can also use their handicap parking pass from their home state, which New Mexico honors. However, if you become a permanent resident of NM , you must fill out a new application.

Laws and Requirements for Handicap Parking Passes

It is important to note that each handicap parking permit in NM is issued to a specific person and cannot be used by anyone else. Laws governing handicap parking passes in NM state that the pass should be displayed on the rearview mirror only when the vehicle is parked, and the identification number and expiration date must be visible. Failure to remove the pass while the vehicle is in motion could lead to a citation. Law enforcement may also request a photo ID to confirm that the person who was issued the pass is in the vehicle.

In order to qualify for a handicap parking pass or license plate through the New Mexico Motor Vehicle Division, you must meet certain requirements. These include being unable to walk without an assistive device, requiring the use of portable oxygen, being unable to walk 100 feet without resting, being restricted by a specific lung disease or severe cardiac condition, or having limited mobility due to a neurologic, orthopedic, or arthritic condition that prevents you from walking up or down 10 stair steps. A licensed physician must provide medical certification of these conditions and sign and date a specific section on your handicap parking pass application for NM .

How to Apply for a Handicap Parking Permit in New Mexico

The application process for receiving a handicap pass or license plate in NM is straightforward. To apply, you must complete the Certificate of Eligibility for Parking Placard for Mobility Impaired Individuals ( Form MVD-10383 ) and submit the original completed form, including the medical certification section, to any New Mexico Motor Vehicle Division office for processing. If you are applying for a handicap license plate, you must also complete the Application for Mobility Limitation (HP) License Plate (Form MVD-10270) and mail your application to the New Mexico Motor Vehicle Division.

If you are a disabled veteran, you must fill out the Application for Military Service Special Plate (Form MVD-10353) and provide certification from the Veteran’s Administration that the disability is at least 50% service-connected.

When your permanent handicap pass in NM expires, you can renew it by filling out the self-certification section on the application and submitting it. Temporary placards cannot be renewed, and a new application and medical certification must be submitted. License plates are renewed with your vehicle registration.

New Mexico Handicap Parking Placards


If you believe you may qualify for a handicap parking permit in NM , be sure to contact the New Mexico Motor Vehicle Division and follow the application process. Handicap parking passes can make it easier for disabled individuals to access important services and facilities, and it is important to follow the laws and requirements to ensure that the system remains fair and accessible for everyone.

What is the NM state statute for handicap parking?

The NM state statute for handicap parking can be found in the New Mexico Motor Vehicle Code, specifically in Chapter 66, Article 7B. This article outlines the regulations for the use of handicap parking spaces and the issuance of handicap parking permits. It includes information on who is eligible for a permit, the types of permits available, and the rules and requirements for using the permit. You can access the full text of the New Mexico Motor Vehicle Code online through the New Mexico Compilation Commission's website or by visiting your local library.

Does New Mexico honor out of state handicap placard?

Yes, NM does honor out-of-state handicap placards. If you are visiting NM and have a valid handicap parking permit from your home state, you can use it while you are in the state. However, if you become a permanent resident of NM , you must fill out a new application to obtain a NM handicap parking permit. It is important to note that even if you have an out-of-state permit, you must still follow all New Mexico laws and regulations regarding the use of handicap parking spaces.

Can you park free at a meter with a handicap placard in New Mexico?

In NM , displaying a handicap pass or license plate in your vehicle does entitle you to park in designated handicap parking spaces for free. However, this does not automatically entitle you to free parking at metered spaces. It is up to each individual city or municipality in NM to decide whether they will offer free parking at metered spaces to vehicles displaying a handicap pass or license plate. Some cities may offer free parking at metered spaces, while others may not. It is important to check with the local parking authority in the area where you plan to park to determine the specific rules and regulations regarding parking at metered spaces with a handicap pass .

Is it illegal to park in a handicap spot in NM?

Yes, it is illegal to park in a handicap spot in NM without the proper permit. In New Mexico, it is a violation of state law to park in a handicap space unless you have a valid handicap placard or license plate displayed in your vehicle. This law applies to both public and private parking areas. Violators can face fines, and their vehicle may be towed or impounded. It is important to respect handicap parking spaces and to only park in them if you have the proper permit.

How long are handicap placards valid for in New Mexico?

In NM , there are two types of handicap parking placards: temporary and permanent. The validity of each type of placard is different.

Temporary handicap placards in NM are valid for up to one year from the date of issuance.

Permanent handicap placards in NM are valid for up to four years from the date of issuance.

It is important to note that all handicap parking passes have an expiration date, and it is the responsibility of the individual with the pass to renew it before it expires. To renew a permanent handicap pass , you can fill out the self-certification section on the application and submit it. Temporary passes cannot be renewed, and a new application and medical certification must be submitted.

How do I renew my handicap placard in New Mexico?

To renew a permanent handicap placard in New Mexico, you can follow these steps:

Fill out the self-certification section on the application form for your specific type of placard (Form MVD-10383 for a placard or Form MVD-10270 for a handicap license plate).

Submit the completed application form to any New Mexico Motor Vehicle Division office for processing.

If you are renewing a handicap license plate, you must mail the completed application form to the New Mexico Motor Vehicle Division.

Make sure to renew your permanent handicap pass before it expires to avoid any issues with parking.

It is important to note that temporary passes cannot be renewed. If your temporary pass has expired, you must submit a new application and medical certification to receive a new pass .

If you have any questions or concerns about renewing your handicap placard in NM , you can contact the New Mexico Motor Vehicle Division for assistance.