Which of the following statements about air conduction is true

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Which of the following is not a method of heat transfer?
  1. ? Induction
  2. ? Conduction
  3. ? Radiation
  4. ? Convection

On cold winter nights a mother places a portable heater in her toddler's bedroom. The heater does not have a fan to bow hot air, it only has simple metal coils that get very hot.

What method of heat transfer does this type of heater use?

  1. ? Radiation
  2. ? Induction
  3. ? Convection
  4. ? Conduction
Which of the following materials would not work well to block the conduction of heat?
  1. ? Tin foil
  2. ? Mittens
  3. ? An insulated coffee mug
  4. ? Fur
Which of the following statements about convection is true?
  1. ? Convection always involves the circulation of a liquid or gas
  2. ? Convection can only occur during the process of boiling
  3. ? All types of currents are convection currents
  4. ? Convection occurs between solids only at high temperatures

As a thunderhead builds, warm air at the Earth's surface rises and cold air high aloft sinks downward. What heat transfer process is occurring here?

  1. ? Convection
  2. ? Radiation
  3. ? Induction
  4. ? Conduction

A gardener carefully places her outdoor thermometer in a shady location out of direct sunlight, so that it doesn't give incorrectly high readings. What method of heat transfer is she trying to avoid?

  1. ? Radiation
  2. ? Induction
  3. ? Conduction
  4. ? Convection
Which one of the following do all methods of heat transfer require?
  1. ? A difference in thermal energy
  2. ? Direct physical contact
  3. ? The movement of particles
  4. ? A liquid or gaseous state
Which type of heat transfer (if any) would be possible in the vacuum of space?
  1. ? Radiation
  2. ? Convection
  3. ? Conduction
  4. ? No heat transfer is possible in the vacuum of space
Which of the following statements about radiation heat transfer is true?
  1. ? Radiation heat transfer does not involve particles
  2. ? Only glowing objects can be a radiant heat source
  3. ? Radiant heat transfer explains why a spoon in a cup of hot tea soon feels warm
  4. ? A radiant heat source transfers heat by energizing the molecules of air around it
Which one of the following materials would best allow infrared waves to pass through it?
  1. ? Clear glass
  2. ? Tin foil
  3. ? Black paper
  4. ? Orange juice